Leading the Business of Healthcare

Call For Speakers

HBMA Call For Speakers

Healthcare Business Management Association (HBMA) is committed to offering education, networking opportunities and management resources to assist members in effectively managing the business of third-party medical billing.

HBMA seeks individuals interested in presenting a topic applicable to the business of Medical Billing as well as Management of the billing office. HBMA requests your assistance in offering high-quality educational programming. We are currently accepting proposals for the following (click the event to access abstract form):

2025 Education:



2026 Education:


2026 Innovation Conference

-Vendor Showcase

Submissions close July 25th.
*Note: Non innovation related topics will not be considered for this event.


2026 Executive Retreat

Submissions close August 29th.

2026 Fall Conference

Submissions close October 31st.


To ensure the best response to your abstract submission:

  1. Make sure your title is enticing
    • Titles with hooks draw in attendees, so don’t be afraid to spice it up
    • Avoid using buzz words that are not accurate to the content of your session
      • Example: Using “A.I.” in your title when the subject matter is Automation
  2. Make sure your description is at least 5 sentences long and details specific topics that you will be addressing
    • This is where the “meat” of your presentation should be described
    • You should clearly communicate here what the session is going to talk about and what attendees will get out of attending the session
    • Make sure to highlight how your information relates to revenue cycle management companies
    • Avoid using bullet points and acronyms (without at least using the full word or phrase once before)
  3. Make sure you have a minimum of 3 measurable objectives
    • Objectives should finish the sentence “Participants will be able to” 
    • Avoid using these words: learn, know, enjoy, understand, believe, comprehend, appreciate as there is no access to measuring whether the objective has been met
    • Use concrete action verbs as this allows an assessment of whether the objective has been met
      • Example: identify, explain, describe, illustrate, implement, manage, produce, create, etc. 
  4. Make sure to provide a speaker bio
    • Bio should be no more than 1,000 characters

HBMA members and participants in HBMA events shall promote and encourage the highest level of ethics within the industry. Use of HBMA activities or publications for the purpose of soliciting business, employees or employment is prohibited. Speakers may not engage in sales activity, including direct or indirect solicitation of products or services without the express, written consent of HBMA.

Speaker agrees that content presented by the Speaker shall not infringe or violate any copyright, trademark patent or intellectual property rights of any person or entity.

All proposals must be submitted electronically using the above forms. Please complete a separate form for each session you are proposing. A maximum of three (3) submissions will be considered for each speaker. Incomplete, late, or incorrectly submitted proposals will not be considered.

Session Length

  • Conference: General and concurrent sessions may be presented in increments of 60, 90, or 120 minutes. * Remember to allow 10-15 minutes for audience Q & A.
  • Webinars: Webinar lengths are limited to 60 minutes.
  • HBMA Live: HBMA Live sessions may not exceed 30 minutes.

Speakers, Co-Speakers, and Panelists
Each Call for Speakers Proposal must be completed by the primary speaker. While co-speakers are welcome and provide additional perspectives, no more than three (3) speakers are allowed. The Point/Counterpoint Session, a demonstration/skit presentation, may have up to four (4) cast members. HBMA will address all correspondence to the primary speaker only.

Please note: The individual completing the Call for Speakers submission shall be identified as the primary speaker for the duration of the event. Any modification of speakers is subject to the review and approval of the HBMA.

If you are a consultant or representative of a vendor, please consider partnering with an active HBMA member in developing your presentation proposal.
Presentation Information:
Be sure to provide the following on each submission:
1.    A descriptive title that is expressive of the content of your session
2.    What topic is your presentation regarding? (Examples: Executive Strategies, Workforce Dynamics, Innovation, Operations, Compliance, Health Insurance Industry, Denial Management, Patient AR, Refunds, Employee Morale, etc)
3.    A summary highlighting the key concepts of your session & participant take-away value

Learning Objectives of Session
A list of at least 3 learner outcomes, i.e. what participants can expect to gain from your presentation. List at least three items that participants will be able to do at the end of the session. These Learning Objectives should take the form of "You will be able to.." followed by at least three bulleted items that illustrate what participants can expect to do following your session.

Participants want to know in advance what they can expect to come away with from your presentation. Your learner objectives will be used to promote interest in your session and to evaluate the value of your presentation to the attendees.

HBMA offers the following guidelines to assist you in writing learner objectives for your presentation:

  • Learner objectives are the end results of an instructional activity and describe the behavior or knowledge the attendee should be able to apply at the program’s conclusion
  • Determine what you want your message to accomplish - make a list of what you intend for your audience to be able to do
  • Write a separate objective for each single key result you anticipate will provide value to the participants (Hint: think or write the phrase “will be able to…..”)
  • Use concrete action verbs (This allows an assessment of whether the objective has been met – for example: can the attendee: identify, explain, describe, illustrate, implement, manage, produce, create, etc. etc.
  • Avoid using these words: learn, know, enjoy, understand, believe, comprehend, appreciate (There is no access to measuring whether the objective has been met)
  • Strive to write objectives that are SMART: (Answer these questions for each objective)
    • S Specific (does it specify one single key result)
    • M Measurable (can a determination be made as to whether the result is achieved)
    • A Attainable (can the desired result be achieved as a result of the presentation)
    • R Relevant (is this of interest & of importance to the audience)
    • T Time-Based (can it be achieved within a fairly immediate time-frame)

The Process
Selected applicants will be contacted by the HBMA National Office for additional information, requests for interviews, clarification, denial, or selection.

Submissions are reviewed based on the following criteria:

  1. Originality, first time presentation or topic
  2. Clarity, quality, and organization of ideas
  3. Speaker's experience and knowledge of the subject matter
  4. Timeliness and relevance of topic to the healthcare billing industry and professionals
  5. Usefulness, practicality, and vision of concept

Audio and Video Recording
By submitting a Call for Speakers Proposal, speakers agree to allow HBMA and the Association’s official suppliers to audio and/or video record the presentation. Recordings, if made, will be available for sale on-site and after the event. Speakers will receive one complimentary copy of their session’s recording shortly after the event.

Personal Information and Biographical Sketch
This information will be used in all marketing and production materials. We want to ensure that the information is exactly how you wish it to appear and includes any professional designations or credentials you would like to have publicized. Please attach a brief biographical sketch if we do not already have this on file. Include key qualifications that will be of interest to attendees as well as special awards or recognition along with your educational background and field of specialization.

(Please e-mail this as a separate attachment to info@hbma.org.)


  • HBMA meeting attendees place great value and importance on receiving handouts that match, as closely as possible, the presentation on the day of session. Sample policies or procedures, worksheets, guidelines or templates are examples of the type of handouts our members expect – tools and materials they can take home and use in their practice.
  • You will be required to provide copies of your handouts via e-mail no later than 30 days prior to the meeting. HBMA does not provide remuneration in any way for the expenses incurred by a speaker related to session handouts - i.e. slide or transparency production, or for materials not submitted by the deadline date.
  • In submitting this proposal to speak, you agree to adhere to the requirements for program materials, including timely submission of your handouts and prompt responses to other requests for information.
  • As the presenter, you are solely responsible to ensure that both the content and print-out of your materials are as you wish them to appear prior to submitting them to HBMA.
  • You understand that HBMA will not be able to produce any handout copies on-site or as follow-up after the event. You will be solely responsible for providing any materials to the participants that have not been submitted to HBMA by the deadline.

Originality and Copyrights
Speaker is responsible for obtaining and furnishing HBMA with any necessary copyright permission for materials used in handouts. Copyright identification may appear on each page of your handout materials. It is understood that HBMA is hereby granted permission to reproduce the handout for distribution to HBMA event attendees.

Sale of Materials
HBMA members and participants in HBMA events shall promote and encourage the highest level of ethics within the industry. Use of HBMA activities or publications for the purpose of soliciting business, employees or employment is prohibited. Speakers may not engage in sales activity, including direct or indirect solicitation of products or services, without the express written consent of HBMA. Such permission, if granted, is with the understanding that no selling will be done from the platform. We will allow time immediately after the presentation to sell and sign books in a specific area in the Exhibit Hall or in the registration area as space allows. The speaker will be solely responsible for managing such sales without the involvement of HBMA staff. If an Education Committee member chooses to assist the speaker voluntarily on-site, that information would also be conveyed to HBMA.

Upon selection by HBMA as a potential speaker you will be contacted and receive a Speaker Packet. Two sample copies of the materials that will be for sale at the event must accompany the signed contract – no later than two weeks after the Speaker Packet is received. Materials not received for review at least 60 days in advance are not eligible for sale. Permission will be granted based on the appropriateness and possible value to our members. Approval or denial of consent for sale of these items will be communicated to the speaker within one month after receipt of such materials.

By submitting a Call for Speakers proposal, Speaker acknowledges that he/she has both read and understands the information above and agrees to comply with HBMA’s policies and procedures. Failure to do so shall be considered a breach of the Speaker Agreement and can result in revocation of future speaking privileges.

Notice of Acceptance will be given 60-90 days from close.

Questions? Please contact info@hbma.org.