How to Turn Off Work Thoughts During Your Free Time
Feature Story
By Guy Winch, Ph.D, TED Talk
What do you do after leaving your office or, if working from home, shutting down your computer and closing your office door? Are you able to relax, spend time with family and friends, or instead, are you constantly ruminating about all the work you have to do? Instead of counting sheep at night, are your counting money for an upcoming payroll?
In lieu of a written article, please open this TED Talk link presented by Dr. Guy Winch, who addresses this common problem, the effects on your health, and recommendations for a healthy, alternative mindset.
Dr. Winch is a NY State licensed psychologist who has given a number of TED Talks on various topics; his TED Talks have been viewed over 30 million times. He has authored several books and is considered a leading advocate on integrating the science of emotional health into our daily lives, workplaces and education systems. He is also an international keynote speaker. In 2020, Dr. Winch and co-host Lori Gottlieb launched the Dear Therapists podcast.