President's Message
By Ginger Ryder, CMPE, CHBME, CPC
A new year always instills in us a sense of urgency and change. We are motivated to change our habits and lifestyles, and feel urged to become better versions of ourselves. But the dark days of winter still stretch in front of us, and our resolutions often fade before the spring bulbs begin to open with the promise of a new season.
News from Around the HBMA
New HBMA Members; CHBME Quiz; HBMA 2018 Compliance Symposium; HBMA 2018 Healthcare Revenue Cycle Conference
Feature Story
By Dave Jakielo and Cindy Pittmon
Though providing more services to your clients may sound like a lot of tough, long work (and it is), adding certain types of value to your business can pay off in the long run. Hear from those in the industry who have implemented reporting and data to bring their clients more easy-to-understand reports, and how one company is using in-depth trainings to enhance the client experience, as well as retain employees.
Feature Story
By Chris Seib, Chief Technology Officer and Co-Founder, InstaMed
well as a time to commit to resolutions that will help bring about positive change in the year to come. For those in the healthcare industry, the start of a new year also marks a time when patient deductibles will reset to their annual maximum amount, which can be as high as $6,000 for a family health plan.
Feature Story
By Contributed by the American Medical Association
HBMA’s celebration of 25 years provides an opportunity to review the industry’s progress – or lack thereof – during the era. Specifically, the anniversary gives a chance to reflect on the history, status, and outlook of the electronic attachment standard.
Feature Story
By Taylor Justice, BAAS, RDCS
Untangling the complex web of the new Quality Payment Program (QPP) and how providers can best prepare for Stage 2 of MIPS in 2018.
Gauge the Financial Impact of MIPS for Your Clients
This article offers a concise explanation of MIPS and demonstrates how the MaxIntel MIPS Calculator can help HBMA members estimate the financial impact MIPS will have on their clients.
Feature Story
One recent article warned that robots will eliminate 800 million jobs by 2030. Other reports predict that robotic process automation in particular will replace 5 million “cubicle” jobs in the United States within the next five to 10 years.
Coding Corner
By Jackie Miller, RHIA, CCS-P, CPC
There are many new, revised, and deleted codes in all sections of the 2018 CPT® manual. It’s important to stay on top of the changes to avoid denials and incorrect payments. This article provides a very high-level review of the changes.
Software Talk
By Nate Moore, CPA, MBA, FACMPE
This article continues the RCM Advisor series covering basic Excel functions to make your spreadsheet projects easier and more accurate. This issue will take our calendar discussion further by introducing the NETWORKDAYS function.
From the Road
This is my third and final article of this series related to the skills that are required to be a successful leader in today’s environment. In my previous two articles, I outlined eight qualities found in successful leaders, and now I’ll share an additional four.