President's Message
As HBMA enters 2024, our industry faces a seismic shift with the introduction of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Our primary expenses in the RCM industry are employee costs, which hover around 50%-60% of gross revenue.
Around the HBMA
Kyle Tucker, the newly appointed president of HBMA, is no stranger to the intricacies of this dynamic field.
Around the HBMA
The Compliance & Ethics Committee assesses, investigates, and, when appropriate, renders a determination on allegations of violation of HBMA’s Code of Ethics.
HBMA Members SOUND OFF! on industry topics
TOPIC: As an RCM company owner or manager, what are your biggest challenges and how do you address them?
Around the HBMA
This year the Data Science Committee committed to conducting and publishing a regular cadence of surveys. Our goal is twofold: 1) adhere to our charter of gathering benchmarking data for our membership and, 2) engage HBMA members to participate in these surveys.
30th Anniversary HBMA energy at the 2023 Fall Conference in photos.
Feature Story
By Laxmi Patel and John Hataway
The future of the healthcare revenue cycle involves leveraging emerging technology while maintaining the human-centric element of healthcare.
Strategies for 2023 and Beyond
Since the launch of the Quality Payment Program (QPP) in 2017, clinicians have struggled to keep up with the ever-evolving Merit-based Incentive Payment System (MIPS). Many clinicians are hoping if they wait long enough, CMS will discontinue the program altogether.
Navigating the New Era of Healthcare Revenue Cycle Management
As we witness the dawn of a new age in healthcare, the traditional paradigms of revenue cycle management (RCM) are undergoing a seismic shift.
Feature Article
Have you ever answered the phone and known that it wasn’t good news, even while the phone was still ringing? That is how I felt on Sunday, July 2, 2023.
Feature Story
By Kevin B. O’Reilly, News Editor / Reprinted from the AMA
In May, Cigna announced it was delaying implementation of its planned modifier 25 policy. In addition to reevaluating the policy, Cigna reported that it intends to “optimize the provider experience and perform additional provider education in partnership with key national medical associations.”
Government Affairs
There has been growing recognition in Congress that Medicare reimbursements to physicians are inadequate when compared to rising costs and the multitude of unfunded regulatory and administrative mandates from commercial and government payors.
Compliance Issues
During a session at the HBMA Fall Conference in Indianapolis, a question was asked about the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid (CMS) record retention requirements.
The Tech Guy
In recent months, I have been getting a steady stream of phone calls, having real-life conversations, and receiving social media messages from people wondering if they have been hacked.
Coding Corner
By Melody W. Mulaik, MSHS, CRA, RCC, RCC-IR, CPC, COC, FAHRA
We all deal with change differently. The speed with which we accept and embrace change varies significantly from person to person.
From the Road
Contrary to the rumors that have circulated over the past few years, medical billing companies will not become obsolete.