President's Message
By Ginger Ryder, CMPE, CHBME, CPC
With fall just around the corner, we will soon be facing the fact that leaves will begin to fall and children will head back to school with all the hopes and dreams that “this year will be the best year ever!” Do you remember as a kid feeling that way?
News from Around the HBMA
Cast Your Vote for the HBMA Board of Directors; Are You Maximizing Your HBMA Membership; New HBMA Members; CHBME Quiz Questions; HBMA 2018 Healthcare Revenue Cycle Conference
2018 Annual Advocacy Meeting Summary
By the HBMA Government Relations Committee
On June 13 and 14, the HBMA Government Relations Committee held its 11th consecutive trip to Baltimore and Washington, D.C. The purpose of this annual trip is to meet with federal policymakers to advocate for improvements to the federal health programs on behalf of the healthcare revenue cycle management (RCM) industry.
Information on Career Progression for Healthcare Business Management Professionals.
By Susan Hart-Hester, Ph.D., RHIA; Rebecca Holton, CFRE; Kathryn Jackson, RHIA; and William Rudman, Ph.D., RHIA
The healthcare market is becoming increasingly attentive to the importance of common employability skills for both employee career advancement and the overall success of the organization. Oral and written communication, teamwork, collaboration, and critical thinking are being recognized as foundational skills that cut across all healthcare professions.
New technologies pave the way.
By John Fundingsland and Dan Hillman
Revenue cycle professionals have long recognized that many of the tools and processes they rely on to manage operations across the revenue cycle are the result of years of ad-hoc workarounds and reflect the nearly unmanageable growth of regulatory and financial systems they work in.
5 ways to attract better-suited candidates and interview more efficiently.
Finding employees who have the skills, experience, and traits you need can be very challenging today. And, a 3.8 percent national unemployment rate certainly doesn’t work in your favor.
Recent developments and their drawbacks.
By Allison L. Feldstein, Esq., and Lindsey C. Kennedy, Esq.
Employers are often surprised to learn that federal law does not require them to pay employees for time not worked, such as vacations, sick leave, or holidays. In fact, no federal or state law requires employers to offer any type of vacation leave to employees—paid or unpaid.
5 Companies Discuss the HBMA Compliance Accreditation Program
HBMA recently collaborated with Healthcare Compliance Pros (HCP) to develop the HBMA Compliance Accreditation Program for revenue cycle management (RCM) companies, medical practice management organizations, and healthcare software vendors.
Coding Corner
In healthcare, miscommunication is the failure to convey relevant medical information to key players on the care team, which means ineffective communication can even occur within the patient medical record.
Software Talk
By Nate Moore, CPA, MBA, FACMPE
The last article in RCM Advisor concluded by stating that arrays can make Excel functions like LARGE and SMALL even more powerful. This article will introduce arrays.
From the Road
Many times, I hear managers complain that the reason their departments are not running like well-oiled machines is because of their team members. They tell me that today’s workforce doesn’t have a strong work ethic or that they don’t seem to be dedicated enough to ensure the company’s success.
HBMA Membership Benefit
The July-August 2018 RCM Advisor included a listing of companies that have developed products and services HBMA members need to better serve their clients and conduct their business.